Ep.2 Flask application structure

Flask application structure | Learning Flask Ep. 2

Structuring your Flask application for

In this part of the Learning Flask series, you’ll learn how to structure files and directories in your Flask application.

Flask is a very flexible framework and doesn’t enforce that you follow any specific pattern for structuring your application. However there are some best practices and tips to make sure you don’t run into issues down the line as your application grows!

Like I said, there’s many ways to setup your structure. This is a pattern I’ve been using for the last couple of years and has worked very well for me.

Let’s get started.

You application as a package

By far the most popular way to structure your application is by using the package method, where we define our Flask application as a package and can import it! Just like we would any other Python package.

The package method allows you much more flexibility, as we can split our application up into multiple logical files, making working with our app much cleaner and easier to navigate.

As this is a beginner series, we’re going to expand from our simple, single file application and break it up into multiple files and package it up.

In the last part of this series, we created a single directory called app in our home directory containing a single file called app.py.

Let’s take a look at how our new project structure is going to look from inside our app project directory:

├── app
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── views.py
├── env
├── requirements.txt
└── run.py` 

We’re going to go through each file step by step. But for now, let’s go ahead and create our structure!

Make your way to the app directory you created in your home folder:

cd ~/app

Running the ls command, your should see the single app.py file along with the virtual environment direcory named env

We’re going to keep our virtual environment but delete app.py and start from scratch. Delete the file with the following:

rm app.py

While we’re here in the root of our app directory. Go ahead and create a file called run.py

We’ll use this file as the entrypoint to our Flask app.

Now create another directory called app and move into it. This is going to contain our Flask application and become our package

mkdir app cd app

Once we’re in our newly created app directory, we need to create the __init__.py and views.py files:

touch __init__.py views.py

Great, we’ve created our basic application structure. Let’s go through each file, add some code and explain what we’ve done.

We’ll start with the __init__.py file. Go ahead and open it up in an editor and enter the following:


from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

from app import views` 

You’ll be familiar with the first 2 lines, just like we did in the last episode we’re importing Flask and setting our app variable, however you’ll noticed we’ve added from app import views at the bottom.

Using this method, we can import multiple python files into our Flask app (as you’ll see later)

Think of the __init__.py file as a contructor that pulls all of the parts of our application together into a package and then tells Python to treat it as a package!

Now, let’s add some views in views.py


from app import app

def index():
    return "Hello world"

Just like in our first app, we’re creating a new view using the @app.route decorator and passing it a URL. The only difference is the from app import app statement at the top of the file.

We’re actually importing the app variable we created in the __init__.py. Meaning we can access it anywhere in our package!

Let’s add another view and pass it a different URL:


from app import app

def index():
    return "Hello world"

def about():
    return "All about Flask"

We’ve added another route with the URL "/about", changed the function name to about and then told it to return "All about Flask"

Tip - Routes in Flask must always start with a / slash

You’ll learn more about routing in the next few parts of this series!

Before we can run our app, we need to create an entrypoint. This is where we’ll instruct our app to run.

Go back up one directory into the parent app folder, open up run.py and add the following:


from app import app

if __name__ == "__main__":

We’re importing the app variable from the app package that we’ve just created.

We’re then calling the app.run() method, just like in the previous tutorial by wrapping it in an if __name__ == "__main__": block.

Before we run our app, we need to set our environment variables

Flask environment variables

Tip - If you deactivated the virtual environment. Go ahead and re-activate it with source env.bin/activate from within the parent app directory

Just like last time, we’re going to set 2 environment variables:

export FLASK_APP=run.py
export FLASK_ENV=development

We’ve set the FLASK_APP variable to run.py which is our Flask entry point.

Running our app

Run the app with the following:

flask run

You’ll see the following message, just like last time:

 * Serving Flask app "run.py" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: development
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 306-421-612

Open up a new browser tab and head to:

You’ll see our “Hello world!” message just as before.

Now head over to the other route we created at

You should see “All about Flask”

Boom! We’re up and running with our application as a package.

Let’s add some more views in another file and import them into our __init__.py file.

Splitting up views

Let’s say we want an admin section of our app. Rather than stuffing all of our views into one folder, let’s separate them out into their own seperate file.

Stop your app by hitting Ctrl + c in your terminal.

Move into the app package directory

cd app

Create a new file called admin_views.py

touch admin_views.py

Your project file structure should now look like this:

├── app
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── admin_views.py
│   └── views.py
└── run.py` 

Open up admin_views.py and add the following:


from app import app

def admin_dashboard():
    return "Admin dashboard"

We’ve done exactly the same as what we did in views.py. Imported app from app and declared a new route.

You’ll also notice the URL is longer and contains 2 parts! You’ll learn all about routing in detail later on in this series.

But before we can access this new route, we need to import admin_views.py in out __init__.py file.

Got ahead and open up __init__.py and from app import admin_views down at the bottom. It should then look like this:


from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

from app import views
from app import admin_views

Save the file and head back to the root app directory containing run.py. It’s time to run our app again.

Once there, run the following command to run the app:

flask run

Open up your browser. Let’s check out our new admin route.

You’ll see “Admin dashboard”, just like we told the view to return!

We’re still missing our requirements.txt file from our original structure. Let’s go ahead and generate it with pip

Hit Ctrl + c to stop your application.


From the root app directory, run the following command:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

This command will create a requirements.txt file and place it in our current directory, listing all of the packages we’ve installed.

It will look like this:


Tip - To install packages from a requirements.txt file, run pip install -r requirements.txt

Wrapping up

Awesome. You’ve learned how to structure your Flask application as a package, break out your code into separate files and work with requirements.txt files.

Next up, You’ll learn how to build a website and render HTML files!

Last modified · 28 Feb 2019

Source : pythonise.com.